Not true as I've often been born on January 1st in the early 1900's.
I hate to say it, but regardless of one's stance, on his back should be "Public perception of Fukushima, Chernobyl, and 3-mile Island."
I say regardless of one's stance, because even if the public's perceptions are off...when we remember those incidents but not how much time was in between them or the relative infrequency of disasters, they can have outsized effects on public attitude.
And before someone gets up in arms about the research papers, the researchers don’t get paid by the journals for publishing with them. In fact, the researchers need to pay the journal to publish, and then the journal turns around and charges people to read it.
What you're describing here is called predatory publishing and is not the norm. It's the "fake news" of scientific journals. I'm not "up in arms" about the original topic of making info available to the public whatsoever, just wanted to correct this part.
Potato colored in my case.
You can live your beans.
That's a little over 3 per waking hour.
Literally the first thing I do on every new computer I've used in the last 20 years or so is change the setting to show all file extensions. It's always been scummy of Microsoft to hide those details and can only be justified at all by the notion that they want to make people dependent on their icons...which is a decent business justification and a horrible moral justification.
Just a squirrel tryin to get a nut man, don't hate.
That's just cause AI can't make it's mouth into the shape of an O while it says "Feb-ROO-ary.
To do, or don't to do...that is the question.
This reminded me of Akuma's death symbol from Street Fighter and it's actually pretty close.
Don't you dare go ruining my joke with your reality-ism.