I don't have a direct quote, but I remember reading a few years ago that valve was debating how to handle bombing. They said something along the lines of not wanting to silence the bombers, but to highlight it so it was clear it was a review bomb. I got the impression they were considering things like showing the unusual spike of reviews in a different color. This sounds like it might be the results of that.
I have a pretty wide definition of art, so I hesitate to say it can't be art flippantly. I do think that for something to be art it must contain the voice of the artist, though, and for many AI generations I don't think you can see that voice, even if a lot of work went into creating it. Maybe that will change as the tools become more sophisticated and easier to get what you want out of them.
Agreed, the process is very non-artistic. There are too many layers that remove the creator from the process of creating. It's more of a science than an art, and unsurprisingly an artistic spirit is usually lacking from it.
The results are better when in the hands of artists, but many artists don't enjoy using the tools because they are so removed from an artistic work flow and are such a black box most of the time. It's not artistically fulfilling to press a button and see what comes out.
Just my 2 cents as an artist who has experimented with the tools quite a bit and still doesn't love them.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I just read that whole article and it sounds like a good implementation? Companies want to know how effective their ads are, and I like their approach of trying to find a way to provide this without wholesale personal data collection. They even say at the end that they don't get the data either. It sounds like a reasonable thing to try and standardize.
Ah I see. Boiling the frog as it were.
I looked into making one a while back and it's honestly quite complicated if you're not a techy person. I gave up on it, though I think you can also buy them pre-built for a bit more money so you might look into that.
Has it actually been confirmed when it's coming? I feel like this has been threatened for years now.
Can't you read? Brasterisktsh.
"publisher" "axes publishing team" 🤔
I think you may be preaching to the choir on this one. 😅
Conversations francaise
Ah got it. I didn't realize. That sounds exactly like what I remember.