So... If i read this correctly.... The net difference is zero? Except when I'm being an asshole and I dont tip.
So in the end, this boils down to offering the option of being an asshole to your customers.
As an european I always find this discussion weird. And when visiting stateside I never really can "gauge" what I should tip. Am i in a joint which underpays the server? Is (s)he fine? Is 10% enough? More? Should i just make it whole? I just never know. I sometimes even have resorted to just bluntly ask the server or a patron what is customary. (my weird accent helps getting an honest answer)
It's quite honestly a shit fest. There is an amount on the billl... But that isnt the real amount, except when you're an asshole. And if you over tip you're still an asshole, just a stupid one, and if you're undertip you're also an asshole.
Come to think about it: it really boils down to which kind of asshole do you want to be.
Hans... Are we... Are we the baddies?