Annon missed his chance to have spaghetti with Shiori.
You can’t really get addicted to fedi
Phew, I was getting a bit worried.
representing World of Warcraft’s expansions
adds a $90 pay to win mount that gives you half the functionality of an entire major city.
Blizzard milking the whales while delivering a reskin of a mount? Very on brand and representative.
Was saying $90 USD. Did they also do individual gatcha pricing or just regonal?
How do you not panic and delete it every time you get a message that's not immediately identifiable as a bot? Lost my nerve at the first human looking "Hey" and nuked my account.
Some tech scantions from when the war started went into effect. Allowing access to Russians is now a complicated legal risk. Even Linux was forced to block devs.
Is this a business entity wearing the skin of a human, or a clown wearing the skin of a business?
Product activation failed: Please drink verification can.
Recall after 2 years: Your personalized ads are generated on device based on preferences detected by Recall and our partners. Recall shares these preferences with Microsoft and our 23,671.5 partners and 16 nation-state partners around the world to better serve you <3.
The guys using FOSS Ai would be the same guys using an operating system without an hostile Ai built in.
Hardware and content is still the big issue. The good porn games still suck in VR, and there's not a lot of them. The equipment is just too inconvenient.
Your hands are occupied, your positions are restricted, your tethered to the PC, and I don't want to get a thousand dollars of delicate hardware nutted on. It's just not there yet.
This is why people don't take Russia seriously.