That's when you find yourself asking the important question, "What day is it?"
The painting of Carlo is hilarious. I imagine it's solemn ceremony and the painting is Carlo wearing normal clothes.
It's going to be real disorienting looking at the portraits of Saints. It's going to start from ancient clothing to formal more contemporary clothing to a saint were a bright red jacket with a backpack on.
That's a hardcore threat there. Mailing your own finger clearly shows that you don't care about hurting anyone even yourself it means sending a message.
However, now that Trump was elected president, the establishment is trying to publicly align itself with Trump while marginalizing those who truly support Trump's agenda. One can see this in the fact that President Trump appointed many liberals and globalists – such as Gary Cohn, H.R. McMaster, and Jared Kushner
That's right, Trump's own son in law is not MAGA enough.
It is on course for conservatives. It's all about their freedom of speech not anyone else's freedom of speech.
Medical mask and walk up. No facial recognization and no licence plate.
No, however I can imagine the reason why.
It may not be next President/Congress or the one after that. However there will be a President/Congress that decides to broaden the firewall to "protect us".
Term limits need to be balanced. Make it too short and legislators don't develop the expertise needed to do their job. If legislators don't know how to do their job, well-paid and well-connected lobbyists will gladly help legislators.
Set the term length too long and you get entrenched legislators who've been in the job well past their expiration date.
I have an uncle who had one of those massive, old CRT tvs. Easily weighed several hundred pounds. The tv was free to anyone who would carry it out of the basement and out of house. Took four people to move that tv out.
All the hallmarks of a pump and dump scheme.
Free market for me, not for thee.