Let it on me bedroom
Escort Section where the person you're escorting moves at a slower pace than you do, forcing you to jog, walk, jog all the time.
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On Lemmy:
It's not real
I'd bet on Tiny Glade being at least a runner up for the Sit Back & Relax category.
Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?
I mean it doesn't sound like they're seeking 'extra' work, because Anon is not doing any work at all. I'd argue there's a difference between 'extra work' and 'any work'.
They're not meeting expectations either because the expectation for their role is unlikely to be 'doing fuck all', the expectation is doing whatever job is outlined in their JD, which they're demonstrably not.
Again, I don't really care either way. Do what you can get away with, but be cognisant of the risks, and how that might affect your future employability otherwise you may find yourself doing nothing because you don't have a job at all.
Duh, they're butthurt they fucked up, but also who cares if they're sympathetic?
If you want to keep the job, you should.
Look, if this works for OP and others, great. More power to them. But the reality is that, in most situations this isn't going to end up with the whole office applauding you for gaming the system and 'sticking it to the man' all whilst your manager looks on dispondantly from the background. It's going to result in a lot of uncomfortable discussions with HR and you potentially losing your job, or at the very least be given a written warning. If that's not a problem then great.
If your employee can go months doing nothing then you're a shite boss who's even worse than that employee, frankly
Sure, but that doesn't mean that the employee is not culpable as well. They have a responsibility to inform their line manager that they have no work to do. If the manager still does nothing, then great, enjoy the free time. But they should at least try. Your company expects you to be working in exchange for payment. I've seen situations where someone taking money for work they were knowingly not doing was accused of fraud. Maybe that sticks in court, maybe it doesn't, but is it worth the hassle to find out?
On today's episode of Bullshit That Never Happened...