Great, now I'm gonna have nightmares.
But the ranchers! Won't someone think of the ranchers?!
Trump'd probably jump at the chance to get rid of California. Should have gone for Florida or Texas.
Of course... then you'd have Florida or Texas. Euch.
Outside sarcastic internet forums? Probably, yeah.
You are the exception, not the rule. Just because you have an easy time with something does not mean everyone does. Everyone experiences interaction in a different way.
Just because it brings no value to your life does not mean that opinion is universal.
So... they didn't remove it, they moved it.
But that's really neither here nor there, as it's just words. I've never known a company to care much about words over profit.
Are there brake problems again?
The median is an average. Mean, median, and mode are all considered forms of averages.
It didn't pop, but it did release a bunch of hot air while hilariously zipping randomly around the room making a raspberry sound.
Which means he will likely be found not to be part of "Big Tech". For some reason.
Probably because he knows he can't take his wealth with him in death.
What's the point of being pointlessly wealthy if you can't be pointlessly wealthy forever?
Well it's probably not his front, but yeah...