I use rsnapshot docker image from Linuxserver. The tool uses rsync incrementally and does rotation/ prunning for you (e.g. keep 10 days, 5 weeks, 8 months, 100 years). I just pointed it to the PostgreSQL data volume. This runs without interruption of service. To restore, I need to convert from WAL files into a dump... So, load an empty PostgreSQL container on any snapshot and run the dump command.
What's your filesystem? I'd use zfs send / receive. Worst case scenario, you can use dd.
I would try to keep Windows, go for dual boot. Then, from Linux, convert the partitions to a VM disk with qemu ( https://superuser.com/questions/1389103/windows-10-uefi-physical-to-kvm-libvirt-virtual#1400203 ) and finally use that, so that all the games installations are kept. This way, many other things will be available too, like browser's history and so on. Making backups is cumbersome, I always tend to forget something. Of course, this alternative process is riddled with gotchas. But worth to try.
Cockpit is a dashboard (and control!) app that can connect to multiple hosts.
Yes, as safe as SSH can be. Why not use https with cloudfare tunnels? For SSH, depends on security config and ofuscation measures... Like disabling root login, use encryption keys instead of plain password, pick a "hidden" port number, and so on. There were many posts here and all over the web about this. I would add either crowdsec or fail2ban to the mix.. That's prettt much all that there is.
I think you want to see "zfs import" command, to get your pool back con the new OS.
FOSS thrives in options, and that's just great. There's a compromise between security (i.e. anonymity) and convenience (i.e. speed). This tool focus on the security side. Meanwhile, seedboxes strike a good balance to both. That's the current scenario, there are many ways to share. That diversity provides resilience to the communities ;)
RedditStreams changed domain, right? That's what I recall from a recent post at torrentfreak.com
PS. I love how that piece was written to share the important bits without directly linking to the websites' URL
I'd check the older reviews on sth for a budget hardware, https://www.servethehome.com/category/networking/
There are links to other wikis with lists of devices.
What about any CMS? GhostWriter or WriteFreely for example.