My answer was from, who said pointig two different services that can provide digital files to the same folder is never a good idea. Even though I turned off OneDrive which I thought would avoid anything going wrong, it was still pretty bad, so just don’t do it in the first place. Probably read their whole comment though to make sure you understand fully
Yep I sure did the thing you said not to do. I’m very new to a lot of this stuff still learning, I didn’t think about it and thought it would just work in was able to recover all my files and everything is fine so I’m not worried about it anymore and I understand the issue now. So this has just been a learning experience, I’m moving on with the second message you suggested and just making a new folder and copying stuff over. Thanks for the input man
That's crazy, I had no idea. I'm definitely gonna have to check that out. Thanks for letting me know
I’d love to see Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask get a full remade release, bundled together into one game ideally. Sure we got the 3ds remakes but I wanna see it back on home consoles, like tp and ww HD.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about bigwig, but I had no idea it was made by ex Ableton devs. That’s super cool, I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.
Fediverse streetpass would go craaaaazy