Nut job cut jobs
My problem with that story is that's the one time Jesus chose violence, vs the bajillion times he said to love your neighbor and turn the other cheek. But I've seen tons of posts by right wingers like "we should kill people we disagree with! Jesus was all about violence, did you hear about the time with the whip!?!?" using it as justification for their hate and totally ignoring all of Jesus's messages.
Man obtains counterfeit head injury
World of Goo 2, and now Plants vs Zombies 3? What year is it!? (Not that I'm mad)
This just sounds like eating them with more steps.
steezson UNMAKES REALITY over hyperbolic headlines!!! (your kids aren't safe from steezson!)
I was making some for a while, but I think the hard part is coming up with new ideas for pictures, and also not getting fatigued from looking through hundreds of similar pictures and thinking "is this one the best? Or is this other one sliiightly better?"
I'd like to go ahead and preemptively express my concerns that this technology could be used to create convincing videos of a person dropping multiple mini doughnuts on the floor, at which point they start crying, sit down, and then start eating the doughnuts off the floor. If such a video ever surfaces of me, we'll know my fears were well founded.
If you'll excuse me, I need to finish off these doug-...this paperwork.
If we just attached a generator to the battery industry, all these revolutions would solve our energy needs!