A shame to see competition dwindle.
Gonna keep it real with you chief. TVs should have never needed updates.
Considering his relationships with Epstein et Al it's pretty conspicuous.
Sounds like it will have actual progression in gameplay and that is awesome. Inb4 it had the most hellish anti cheat possible.
They always find pictures where he just.looks.like a criminal and it's amazing every time.
Man I would love to see what security measures they put in place for these things. That better be amazing security or else it's going to be some real bad news bears.
That isn't at all their problem their problem is scar tissue buildup that they haven't even bothered addressing. Wtf are they doing talking about data compression when they can't even maintain connection.
I kind of want one anyway. Is there a real reason I shouldn't do this?
I'm not sure wtf they expected to happen when they aren't addressing the core problem with neural interfaces. Fix scar tissue buildup around the electrodes or GTFO
Yeah and hopefully they inspire more people to try things out and see where they go.