So I could use this to run PostmarketOS inside Android?
IIRC It's on their Wikipedia
Isn't that kind of the point of keeping / and /home on separate partitions or subvolumes/pools?
Lads, Everyone's entitled to an opinion... UNLESS THEIR HEADS ARE FILLED WITH LIES!!!!!! To the Jingle Jail With The Non-believer!!! /s
Is it possible to use Linux without the command line? ...Nvidia...
Yeah, with Nvidia you're going to have a bad time never using CLI since their driver can ball kick you to TTY when GDM or SSDM takes a shit from Nvidia linker fuckups.
I never found a winner when I looked into it years ago.
I think OP may have a similar sentiment -- what do you guys think? Which ones are #1 ?
Music recording? Idk
It was "time" 6+ years ago to those who were paying attention to what was coming.
Agree, even more so with the private cloud data. If your loved one dies and you want to visit multiplayer you created together in open world builders it would be shitty to take that away from them. Eg: Father and son played Minecraft together on LAN server or whatever (If that even is a thing)
Fine just create a digital corporation of your identity and assign rights to that instead. I hear they have the same rights as people.