Bill was lended Epstein's plane one time to a regular AIDs relief tour in Africa.
Trump has been on his plane many times, but more importantly called him a friend and went to his island. Many times.
You sound as crazy as the people calling Stephen Hawking a kid diddler when you say stuff like that. You, like the majority of Americans, seem to have no fucking clue what actually happens around them.
But yes, I agree, release the reports and send people who broke the law to prison.
EDIT: Sorry, the article isn't about GPU rather it's about the CPU market where AMD is projected to overtake Intel in the far future.
When the AI Crash wipes out nVidia's demand in the server market they're not gonna have any loyal customers in the desktop market right as the tech boom comes to places formerly reliant on only smartphones. Then they're gonna be like surprised_pikachu.jpg