Can you recommend any mods?
Community is and always has been important. The key is and airways has been your ability to effectively curate your community. It is a cesspool if and only if you lack that ability
I've used GIMP for decades and it's never crashed on me. Krita and Inkscape are also great imo. I've used photoshop. It's fine. I really think issues with the UI are mostly just an issue of what you're used to. I see exactly the same thing with people switching to Blender or Vi uses trying to use any otherr editor in the world
Opposing Genocide is not supporting terrorism.. You can think Hamas is bad AND Genocide, also. I'm sorry that you find this complex
And thus. Again, piracy seems to be the moral choice
Spotify is a fucking racket
Gambryo is ancient and patently incapable of fullfilling some of their designs (see Starfield). The engine is not their only problem, but it is very definitely a problem
Reprocessing reduces waste but it does not eliminate it. Its like saying that curb side plastics recycling has solved the microplastics issue
JFC UE5 is not the same tech. It has had major changes over the years. Gambryo is in no way a modern engine. I have used both of these technologies. Have you?
The engine AND Bethesda lack of care are both problems
Have you done game dev? Have you ever used Ue5?
I like Cyberpunk. Not as much as the Witcher 3 and I think that's mostly because I didn't like the npcs as much. Jackie is about the only one you have a positive relationship with and he's gone in an instant.