Consindering that we're training Ai to be safe on the roads i would say the rider is the most vital part.
joined 1 year ago
Happened to me a the other day, so i used piped instead, yesterday my muscle memory got me back to YouTube and everything was back to normal
What's wrong with fairphone?
Depending on how one defines homelessness, China has either a very tiny homeless population or an extremely large one. Compared to other countries, there very few vagrants: people living on the streets of China's cities without means of support. But if one counts the people who migrated to cities without a legal permit (hukou), work as day laborers without job security or a company dormitory, and live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions on the edge of cities, there are nearly 300 million homeless
The source of your source
I had that problem, not sure what made it go away maybe allowing scripts or disabling ublock origin.