Lights in shoes that blink at each step were all the hype in my childhood
Microsoft has built a number of safety features into Windows Recall to ensure that the service can't run secretly in the background. When Windows Recall is enabled, it places a permanent visual indicator icon on the Taskbar to let the user know that Windows Recall is capturing data. This icon cannot be hidden or moved.
Oh my, that one is really cute
Software runs on processing power. Doesn't matter if it's mechanical, electrical or biological computing power.
The important part is, that something is processing it.
And although by now software development through abstraction feels disconnected from just specialised algorithms: everything will break down into numbers and some form of algorithm to process the information
Heroin withdrawal is shit, but compared to alcohol or benzos it's at least not deadly. Also opiates are not hard on the body.
The problem with opiates is mostly getting clean ones - and the money for it.
In Switzerland they have a program, where they hand clean heroin to addicts and with a safe clean supply they can work, get a grip on their life again, and they start to reduce the dosage themselves after some time.
The social stigma and the idea to punish someone out of addiction is obviously bullshit.
People usually self medicate because of problems. So solving those problems is the right approach and not just taking away the crutch.
Also the state is losing quite some money with the prohibition - on multiple fronts
So it also doesn't show up at theirs with 'currently playing...'?
Honest question, never bothered to look into it, but always found it weird, that everyone in three friend list sees what I'm doing - although I get the incentive
Nah, he seemed pretty pissed. I think it's more like being fed up with German tourists as a waiter - meant not the general public, but this waiter personally. This was in the north eastern part of France. So Germany is quite close
I tried to learn some French as I was trecking through and ordered a beer
He immediately said, I should stay with German, if I can't speak French, because I gendered the fucking beer wrong (neutral in German, female in French)
Quite some time that I've seen something so stupid
It's even absolutely not true, that Linux is last. They just don't know about the less used OS' on desktop
What a braindead take...
I'm still searching for a politician that does something for the benefit of people and not just tries to get rich themselves or are on a power trip.
Any kind of political authority is about to fail over time
Sounds pretty costly to bring all that up
But yeah, solid metal as heat transfer could work. Still how to drive a turbine?
Not everyone has a house...
I'm living in an apartment and charging at home is not an option. I do have a EV though and when we take a larger trip, I need to plan a bit more to charge up before the trip.
That sucks a bit, else it's pretty great