I've completed this game twice with my kids. By far the most requested game they want to play because of the coop. The subject matter might be a little deep for their age but the gameplay is stellar.
I just picked up Hogwarts Legacy on the recent PlayStation sale. Haven't made it too far in yet but I can tell this game will eat up some hours.
Elden Ring to get a new character ready for the DLC. Picked up Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga on a recent sale. Still only a few hours in so just now getting into some of the more complex squad builds. Seems like there will be tons of ways to customize the squads, I anticipate many more hours spent.
Been on a KeeperRL kick for a couple weeks but after this last loss I think I'm done with it for a while. Balatro has also been keeping me occupied. I just started a strength build in elden ring a couple days ago to get ready for the dlc. I made a mistake by starting NG+ on my first character and I don't want to try the DLC on even harder mode.
And when I say stupid I mean stupid fresh
My kids are 5 and 7. The 7 year old is able to do most of the game on her own but there are definitely frustrating sections for her. My 5 year old isn't shy about handing the controller to me when he needs help. I think 7 is a perfect age for getting into the game mechanics but the subject matter may raise awkward questions.