It looks like their May 16th tweet stated source code would be made available to developers, and they are clearing up some ambiguity in this new one.
Autocomplete suggestion getting "February" wrong is a nice touch
According to the DOJ, Google destroyed potentially hundreds of thousands of chat sessions not just during their investigation but also during litigation. Google only stopped the practice after the DOJ discovered the policy.
I'm glad it seems to be limited to their weird DocuSign knockoff, which I never had cause to use.
Lucky for you! Twice over the years I have had Windows 10, the system failed to come back up after a windows update and the ability to uninstall the most recent update through the recovery partition saved me.
Not a lawyer, but if their instance doesn't have provisions about user submitted content, maybe there is some amount of weight to it?
I feel like anyone who envies an advertising business should probably be avoided, lol
The only reading that is making sense to me is shorthand for "pays for", but I've never seen that slang in the wild so I have no idea
My comment didn't mention resolution or quality of graphics at all. I'm only talking about framerate, which has a major impact on how responsive and fluid the controls feel. All else being equal, a higher framerate typically just feels nicer to play. Compare Super Mario 64 (30fps) to Super Smash Bros. (60fps).
Cyber truck: it just kills you (tm)