I thought they use those fire paintball marker things
I've always been used to browser clearing everything on exit. On my phone I set Firefox focus as the default browser so whenever I search anything I just dump it after
Yeah I have a physical kvm on my home desk I use to switch between my desktop and virtual machine but when I have both on I just remote in so that I have access to both without waiting for that 2 second lag of the keyboard and monitor switching over each time
I forget x is Twitter and took me a while to figure out that X isn't a car model of Hyundai
I've been using crunchbang++ on a Dell wyse thin client laptop. It doesn't auto login or anything but seem to work fine I got it on woot for 60 buckd
You don't buy filtered water? We usually refill our 5 gallons at one of the local water filter shops
Spray a little high smoke point oil on it and wipe it down with a towel while it's hot
There's this old cowboy on YouTube that has a good video on restoring cast irons I forget his name though
Well they get paid more to shame you
Just download the GBs when you get home
Imagine the big bean morsel you could bite into
I use it to sync all my photoshop projects and documents from my different machines to my server and to have access to those files from my phone , it's the first thing I install when I do a fresh install of my os since everything I use is there