Coffee is good in dark sauces and ice cream. Properly made mole (árbol, iirc) with chocolate is divine, but time and labor intensive. I've never attempted it, but I bought a jar of the hard, oily stuff last shopping fr trip I did, which doesn't have cocoa. It was an impulse buy, since it's really too warm to be making such a heavy dish, barring an Easter cold snap that's chilly enough, and I doubt I'll make it then, since I'll be busy for a few months. If you can get authentic, freshly made, I strongly recommend it.
Oh goodness, see what you've done? Earl Grey is my favorite (hot) tea (it's not bad iced, either) and no access to that! It's rare I have an attack of FOMO, but I do now!
ETA: there is one near someone I've not seen in a few months. I could get her to visit but getting her to bring something I want that she'd have to go out of her way to get is the trick. And she doesn't like Earl Grey, so a promise to share won't work. Thanks for the review, though, I'll look for it tomorrow when I go out of town, assuming my transportation has no problem with it.
Tbf, I've rarely had a chili that wasn't mild, unless I or a neighbor who likes it hot made it. You may want to avoid certain salsas (red or green) at restaurants and bodegas where actual ethnic Latin Americans eat, if you're not into spicy, though.
Sigh. Unfortunately. For all the ones who do deserve djt/Biden, I beg your pardon and please remember some of us watch with abject horror.
You already know ..
When I was a kid, Old Milwaukee came 8 ponies to a pack for less than $3. It was extremely popular, especially the shotgunnable cans. Thank heaven a friend's dad had a still, is all in saying.
C'mon, any Bud variety is bested by the others.
"I wondered lonely as a cloud..."
I'm sorry but star pie will in no way ever be a preference for me. I've never had it and do not wish to have it.
How rude (although it was a clever insult and I literally laughed. I needed that. Thanks)!
Fascinating. Hopefully someone itt have tried some of those and gives a critique.
Nope, I searched it! It actually sounds good and I want it!