It's a shame many of you won't understand the lyrics because that's exactly what this masterpiece is all about:
Utterly hilarious designs in the router world.
Especially this one I find particularly gross. "Our product is so disgustingly addicting, you can't stop yourself from eating it once you start! Yes, of course it's also incredibly unhealthy, that's half the fun!"
Right I have no idea how they make that stuff but I just always assumed it contains little actual orange.
Yeah but that's just a solid 8h block, accurate haha.
Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Right I was mostly referring to the whole "the game is your job and you pay to do it" aspect.
Fondue savoyarde enters the chat.
You just gotta stick to it, the rocket league progress curve is incredibly steep at the beginning, but if you just brute force through it for a bit you'll reach the first plateau where you actually manage to touch the ball once in a while. Getting over that plateau is a different story and the progress curve is much slower after that.
Also go and do the training sets, start with the easiest ones until you nail them then move on to the next one, etc.
RL is pretty much the only game I still play regularly because I've been playing it for a long time and I can just do one game if I don't have much time, most other games require too much of my very limited free time.
Voice is a single source of audio (e.g. mono) so it's typically recorded with mono mics. There can be multiple of them (lav on the body, boom over the frame is the usual) but both sources are mono and will indeed be mixed right down the middle unless they're trying to make the viewer understand the location of the person speaking (for example imagine you're watching the main character from behind while they're in their room using the computer, then you hear their mom talk to them off camera, the voice is coming from a side and then the next shot you see the mom was located on that side, stuff like that).
Another method home sound systems use is to boost the EQ where voice is found (somewhere in the middle), or to apply compression to reduce the dynamic range, for example Sonos offers both these options in their home theater line, but they call them "speech enhancement" and "night mode" respectively.