ya as much as it's just virtue signalling, it's still showing that LGBTQ+ people are being supported by majority, there will indeed be something to worry about if they stopped suddenly.
it also just make sense, we already put the more significant number on the left side when writing numbers anyways. MM/dd/YYYY is more like writing one hundred and twenty three as 231
it is a dominant one if it's by number of game developers.
with the amount of information sharing between all the large corps, they are likely to be more similar than you think.
the leaker in question is about people like a qa tester or someone who got an early access review.
it's a weird case where it only uses steam API and does not hard check it. It attempts to check if the currently associated steam account is allowed to play it and shuts down if you don't, but does not do anything else if it can't detect an account (such as if you have no steam) and launch normally.
it would require government intervention. Where a regulation must declare that ads must clearly be labelled as ads, so that adjustments can be made by detecting when is the ad segment happening.