
joined 10 months ago
[–] 15 points 8 months ago (7 children)

Yeah, I don't know this, but did we very gently slay a ton of animals learning how to do surgery and heart transplants?

I'm not a huge fan either, but how do people feel when the procedure saves their mom or kid?

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Yeah, I just edited the comment. That narrative is tired and political, and I honestly didn't think of that at the time.

Not that it really matters what the example is.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Damn! That would be epic and well played for sure. Not advocating.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (4 children)

It's not terribly different from law enforcement getting a search warrant for a video feed covering the apartment of a known pedo video distributor and then tracking down everyone.

The problem would be violation of privacy for everyone who went there who wasn't a pedo.

Obviously, that's not a perfect comparison for the Internet because it's acceptable from anyone, but they're following the same playbook.

How much privacy are you willing to trade to stop pedos from hurting kids?

Edit: in thinking about this, the save the kids stuff has been worn out by a certain group that even I'm tired of. I didn't really think about that when I came up with the example, not that I expect it would matter to people's personal feelings on the matter.

[–] 43 points 9 months ago (12 children)

Since someone else brought up superapps, do they seem like an initial attempt to get around the manufacturer's app store lock-in?

Super apps allow adding mini apps. Seems like an app store.

The goog/apple app stores are already saturated by malware, I can't imagine some mini app store would do better. Even if the big two did do a better job, how would they go about vetting all the code these super apps might have access to?

I guess I'm too jaded, but it seems like just another malware loader you intentionally install.

Am I being too hard on the concept? Are there any really good ones you've used?

[–] 6 points 9 months ago

That's because high schools have been teaching that trades are for losers and college is for successful people for about 20+ years.

Mike Rowe comes to mind.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Holy shit, I can make that kind of money for driving like a maniac while wearing brown daisy dukes? I picked wrong...

Edit, I also think any task that can be automated with sensors, robotics, and programming is a risk.

Probably will be lots of robot repair and automation engineers though...

[–] 5 points 9 months ago

So well said, up vote wasn't enough.

I attended three different institutions at various points of my life and still didn't see some of the soft skills and basic business etiquette taught. I see young career people come into business with no idea how to attend meetings, answer phones, deal with expectations, etc. I'm not saying those can't be learned on the job and added on top of an education that was meant to empower people to learn things on their own, but when they're also tens of thousands in dept and can't do basic professional tasks, makes me question what right looks like.

[–] 14 points 9 months ago

how to make computer people care about everything else as much as they care about computers

For me, you can't. 😆

[–] 22 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Ha, You don't think that's already happened?

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

I would not have thought of this perspective if you hadn't mentioned it. Thx.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Just make sure it's HBA mode and it'll be fine. Sometimes called IT mode.

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