It's a good thing that no serious company uses excel spreadsheets to manage their data, right? Right?
A Linus moment (the other Linus)
Fair enough. What we desperately need is proper social media / modern internet education right from middle school level. Identifying dark patterns, echo chambers, bot/human impersonators, fake news. I feel like this awareness is missing in both youngsters and boomers.
I was a normie once. I too fell for misinformation in the past. If it wasn't for the freely available information on the internet, I wouldn't be here today.
enjoy the mainstream memes and discussion, but avoid the algorithmic content slop from them. That's how I see the fediverse. It's a win in my book.
I am interested in knowing what's the bandwidth to transmission power ratio of the device. If it's low enough, it would be revolutionary for IoT devices.
I haven't seen many mentions of Nobara but you can try it out.
It's essentially a gaming-centric version of Fedora. I was in your position a few weeks back and decided upon thing. Latest drivers and packages.
A package manager and app-store, which looks very similar from the outside, operates very differently with respect to security and privacy.
"side-loading" is literally the norm on Windows and Linux
Whitelist and an autobackup mod
It might provide value to our customers, but does it provide value to our ShArEhOlDeRs?
Based Linus strikes again