I had to read that a few times to determine what definition of critical you were using!
What position is Hunter running for or helping run for? Didn’t think he was a part of his dad’s campaign.
use it as leverage for a massive end of year bonus.
Hahahahaha. Right. Like saving the company any money comes back as a bonus to the person. Best we can do is a shitty award on slightly thicker 8.5”x11” paper.
I under what you’re getting at, but how else would you propose defining delineations of authority within an organization like that? Corporate titles can be capricious and I’d almost fear a corporate based security force more!
I know others will expand on this, but in the past there were two main “bases”: Debian and Enterprise Linux (EL). The main differences were their package managers and how the handled things in init.d and configuration like networking. This was due to how they made their modules iirc.
So a lot of distros forked off of these two bases rather than reinvent the wheel. Ubuntu is based off of Debian and CentOS based off of RHEL.
There’s probably more nuances but that should give you an idea.
It’s like AOL all over again
We tried that. It didn’t work. They just said “fuck your feelings”, they said “cry your liberal tears”. Everyone most people tried to take the high road, show that “we’re better than that”. But it didn’t do a lick of good. So I’m gonna enjoy this win and gloat about it.
“More profitable” != “More revenue” as adjusted for inflation. It may mean they have higher mark ups which is netting them more profit on things.
I love that Chrono Trigger has 13 different endings depending on when you beat it. Fun fact, you can do them all in one NG+ play through if you save correctly.
There’s a registry key (sorry I’m on mobile right now) that you can actually add during a clean setup of current non-LTSC versions that remove the requirement for vTPM and SecureBoot. That install should easily be able to be live migrated. We were doing that when first playing with Windows 11
But how deep do you have to go to comprise a football field? At what depth does it stop being a football field and become just a normal field?